Unfortunately, we forgot about the crowd on saturday, as I was just done with work, my hubby and I decided to grab something to eat at SM before going home. Tsk! tsk! tsk! Bad idea, it was hard getting in SM grounds, harder to park, and harder still to find a spot to sit down and eat. And both of us were famished! Grrrrrrr!!!!!!
The picture I took in SM is quite blurry, as many people was passing by my side. Not to mention we were on a hurry to find something to eat.
SM is never this full, not only SM but the whole Mall of Davao.
This holiday, while staying home with my family, we ate and ate! And used much the delivery services of fast foods. At least, no traffic, no haggling with the crowd and waiting in line.
As for fruits of the season during Kadayawan! Fruits are in abundace but it's the ever famous Durian, that gets the limelight! The price is at 25 or 10 per kilo, and not at 100+ but to me it's still expensive. Coz back in my younger days, durians were sold per piece and not per kilo.
Durian Parks are expected to open during this time.
But, I am more fond of Marang than durian, I use to like Durian, but when the different variety started to come out the market here in Davao, my fondness of it slowly wane. Am not good at spotting which are native, some say it's the small ones, since those are the ones I prefer to eat, so every time I bought one, I would hope that I got the native type.
Every kadayawan, that is the only fruit I look forward to. The Marang and Durian.
As for the Indak Indak, and Floral Parade, I just watched it on TV, I use to go out and take videos of this event, but each year the crowd gets bigger and bigger. Now, it's hard to get a good spot to snap some photos, plus thousands of photographer novice or not is already covering it, care to visit a few sites?
* Xtian's Project - the link was already dead, have to look for it again.
* Inkblots
To those who brave the crowd and heat of the sun, I salute you!
I hope you guys enjoyed the long weekend, it was a good day to spend with the family.

Originally posted in Multiply on Aug. 21, 2007
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