Adorable Miggy!


The latest addition to our family.

This was given to me by my sister-in-law, a show type pitbull. At first I was quite unsure if it is a good idea to keep him, I've seen his dad, and he is a huge dog. But when I held him, he's very sweet and loves to cuddle a lot. And he'll go wherever I go. It's like having a tail. Very adorable of him.  He's currently 3 months old now. And loves to run and play. My hubby worries over him more than I do. He's also a dog lover.

Miggy is already housebroken, goes to the CR if he want's to go wee wee or popo. I love keeping him in our room, but his about to start his training, so my hubby won't allow it for the moment. He said I can have Miggy back in our room once his a little bigger, so he won't get spoiled. That's why his a little sad in the picture, he wants to go inside the house. Poor Miggy.

As for pitbulls being scary dogs, far with Miggy I find him very sweet, even when we play tag, his still sweet. My hubby who's family been taking care of pitbulls says, they are sweet to their owners.

Did my own research online, I learned that pit bulls were bred as working dogs. They are also companion dogs. They prefer their human owner's quality time than socializing with other dogs. They were never bred to be aggresive towards humans. They have a tendency to be more aggresive towards a dog than to a human being.  As the breds specific work is control of other animals.

This type of dogs is also considered smart, they are a good judge of character and can tell if your a friend or foe through your actions.


Starting August this year, I've noticed a lot of news lately on TV of pitbulls attacking human beings. That is really sad, people seems to have a lot of misconception about this breed.

* Please be warned, pitbulls are not good guard dogs, do not own a pitbull for this purpose, there are other breeds that you can find for this exact line of work.

* Give them ample exercise, big dogs have lots of energy, they need a let out. If you don't give them their required exercise, they became destructive, as they will sort to different ways.

* Play with your pet, a dog that is not happy, is easily annoyed and aggresive.

* Socialize your dog! If you want your pitbull to be friendly with other dogs and childred, train them.

* Let your pitbulls run from time to time . This is very important, find a place where you can let your dog lose and run as they like, make sure it's an enclosed space, this is not only a form of exercise to them, but they love to romp and play.

* Be the leader, pitbulls needs to know who is the leader. If they know that your not, I suggest you give up owning this breed.

Don't let kids smaller than their size near them, not until you have made the proper introductions, do not leave them alone either, anyone or anything smaller than them and the dog is not yet familiar, this is highly dangerous. Friendliness of the dog, will now depend on his social training. If your pitbull is not socialize well, I do not recommend letting kids play with the dog, keep him in his cage, not on leash.

* Feed your pitbulls properly. A hungry pitbull is dangerous, they will eat anything smaller than their size

If you wish to own a pitbull, I suggest doing research and reading first, before getting one.

- posted previously in Multipy on April 30, 2007


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